

An output Datum.


  • NoDatum
  • DatumHash(DataHash)

    A datum referenced by its hash digest.

  • InlineDatum(Data)

    A datum completely inlined in the output.

An Input made of an output reference and, the resolved value associated with that output.


  • Input { output_reference: OutputReference, output: Output }

A transaction Output, with an address, a value and optional datums and script references.


  • Output {
      address: Address,
      value: Value,
      datum: Datum,
      reference_script: Option<ScriptHash>,

An OutputReference is a unique reference to an output on-chain. The output_index corresponds to the position in the output list of the transaction (identified by its id) that produced that output


  • OutputReference {
      transaction_id: Hash<Blake2b_256, Transaction>,
      output_index: Int,

A type-alias for Redeemers, passed to scripts for validation. The Data is opaque because it is user-defined and it is the script’s responsibility to parse it into its expected form.


Redeemer = Data

Characterizes the script purpose.


  • Mint(PolicyId)

    For scripts executed as minting/burning policies, to insert or remove assets from circulation. It’s parameterized by the identifier of the associated policy.

  • Spend(OutputReference)

    For scripts that are used as payment credentials for addresses in transaction outputs. They govern the rule by which the output they reference can be spent.

  • Withdraw(Credential)

    For scripts that validate reward withdrawals from a reward account.

    The argument identifies the target reward account.

  • Publish { at: Index, certificate: Certificate }

    Needed when delegating to a pool using stake credentials defined as a custom script. This purpose is also triggered when de-registering such stake credentials.

    The Int is a 0-based index of the given Certificate in certificates.

  • Vote(Voter)

    Voting for a type of voter using a governance action id to vote yes / no / abstain inside a transaction.

    The voter is who is doing the governance action.

  • Propose { at: Index, proposal_procedure: ProposalProcedure }

    Used to propose a governance action.

    A 0-based index of the given ProposalProcedure in proposal_procedures.

A Cardano Transaction, as seen by on-chain scripts.

Note that this is a representation of a transaction, and not the 1:1 translation of the transaction as seen by the ledger. In particular, on-chain scripts can’t see inputs locked by bootstrap addresses, outputs to bootstrap addresses or just transaction metadata.


  • Transaction {
      inputs: List<Input>,
      reference_inputs: List<Input>,
      outputs: List<Output>,
      fee: Lovelace,
      mint: Value,
      certificates: List<Certificate>,
      withdrawals: Pairs<Credential, Lovelace>,
      validity_range: ValidityRange,
      extra_signatories: List<VerificationKeyHash>,
      redeemers: Pairs<ScriptPurpose, Redeemer>,
      datums: Dict<DataHash, Data>,
      id: TransactionId,
      votes: Pairs<Voter, Pairs<GovernanceActionId, Vote>>,
      proposal_procedures: List<ProposalProcedure>,
      current_treasury_amount: Option<Lovelace>,
      treasury_donation: Option<Lovelace>,


    Withdrawals are ordered by ascending Credential. Yet, note that Script credentials are treated as lower values than VerificationKey credentials.


    Redeemers are ordered by ascending ScriptPurpose.


    Votes are ordered by ascending Voter and GovernanceActionId.
    First constructor variants in a type are treated as lower indices; except for Credential where Script credentials are treated as lower values than VerificationKey credentials.


TransactionId = Hash<Blake2b_256, Transaction>

An interval of POSIX time, measured in number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.


ValidityRange = Interval<Int>


placeholder: Transaction

A placeholder / empty Transaction to serve as a base in a transaction builder. This is particularly useful for constructing test transactions.

Every field is empty or null, and we have in particular:

use aiken/interval ==

transaction.placeholder.validity_range == interval.everything()



  inputs: List<Input>,
  output_reference: OutputReference,
) -> Option<Input>

Find an input by its OutputReference. This is typically used in combination with the Spend ScriptPurpose to find a script’s own input.

validator {
  spend(datum, redeemer, my_output_reference, self) {
    expect Some(input) =
        |> transaction.find_input(my_output_reference)

  outputs: List<Output>,
  datums: Dict<DataHash, Data>,
  datum_hash: DataHash,
) -> Option<Data>

Find a Datum by its hash, if present. The function looks first for datums in the witness set, and then for inline datums if it doesn’t find any in witnesses.

  outputs: List<Output>,
  script_hash: ScriptHash,
) -> List<Output>

Find all outputs that are paying into the given script hash, if any. This is useful for contracts running over multiple transactions.

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