
This module is designed for cryptographic operations involving the BLS12-381 elliptic curve, particularly focusing on the G2 group of the curve.

The key functionalities provided by this module include:

This module ensures that all operations respect the properties of the BLS12-381 curve and the mathematical structure of the G2 group.


generator: G2Element = #<Bls12_381, G2>"93e02b6052719f607dacd3a088274f65596bd0d09920b61ab5da61bbdc7f5049334cf11213945d57e5ac7d055d042b7e024aa2b2f08f0a91260805272dc51051c6e47ad4fa403b02b4510b647ae3d1770bac0326a805bbefd48056c8c121bdb8"

The compressed generator of the G2 group of the BLS12-381 curve. This constant represents a fixed base point on the elliptic curve. Note that flat encoded plutus does not allow for the direct usage of BLS12-381 points. More explicit, any points in plutus data or scripts must be decompressed before usage onchain.

zero: G2Element = #<Bls12_381, G2>"c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Represents the additive identity (zero) in the G2 group. Note that flat encoded plutus does not allow for the direct usage of BLS12-381 points. More explicit, any points in plutus data or scripts must be decompressed before usage onchain.


compress(point: G2Element) -> ByteArray

Compresses a point in the G2 group into a more compact representation. The compressed representation is the concatenation of two 48-byte strings, corresponding to a modified and complexified x coordinate. The leading most significant 3 bits of this string indicate how to reconstruct the y coordinate.

More explicitly via Zcash’s spec:

The most-significant three bits of a G1 or G2 encoding should be masked away before the coordinate(s) are interpreted. These bits are used to unambiguously represent the underlying element:

  • The most significant bit, when set, indicates that the point is in compressed form. Otherwise, the point is in uncompressed form.
  • The second-most significant bit indicates that the point is at infinity. If this bit is set, the remaining bits of the group element’s encoding should be set to zero.
  • The third-most significant bit is set if (and only if) this point is in compressed form and it is not the point at infinity and its y-coordinate is the lexicographically largest of the two associated with the encoded x-coordinate.

decompress(bytes: ByteArray) -> G2Element

Decompresses a point in the G2 group from its compressed form.

equal(left: G2Element, right: G2Element) -> Bool

add(left: G2Element, right: G2Element) -> G2Element

Adds two points in the G2 group.

sub(left: G2Element, right: G2Element) -> G2Element

Subtracts one point in the G2 group from another.

scale(point: G2Element, e: Scalar) -> G2Element

Exponentiates a point in the G2 group with a scalar. This operation is equivalent to the repeated addition of the point with itself e times.

hash_to_group(bytes: ByteArray, domain_separation_tag: ByteArray) -> G2Element

Hashes arbitrary data to a point in the G2 group. You can use the domain_separation_tag parameter to cryptographically separate different uses of the hash function between applications.

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