
This module contains utilities for manually dealing with ScriptContext. This is only ever useful for writing custom else handlers in validators.

Unless you know what you’re doing, you should prefer using named handlers:

  • mint
  • spend
  • withdraw
  • publish
  • vote
  • propose


A context given to a script by the Cardano ledger when being executed.

The context contains information about the entire transaction that contains the script. The transaction may also contain other scripts; to distinguish between multiple scripts, the ScriptContext contains a ScriptInfo which indicates which script (or, for what purpose) the transaction is being executed.


  • ScriptContext { transaction: Transaction, redeemer: Redeemer, info: ScriptInfo }

Characterizes the script information. The main (and only) difference with ScriptPurpose resides in the Spending variant which here contains a second field datum: Option<Data>.


  • Minting(PolicyId)

    For scripts executed as minting/burning policies, to insert or remove assets from circulation. It’s parameterized by the identifier of the associated policy.

  • Spending { output: OutputReference, datum: Option<Data> }

    For scripts that are used as payment credentials for addresses in transaction outputs. They govern the rule by which the output they reference can be spent.

  • Withdrawing(Credential)

    For scripts that validate reward withdrawals from a reward account.

    The argument identifies the target reward account.

  • Publishing { at: Index, certificate: Certificate }

    Needed when delegating to a pool using stake credentials defined as a custom script. This purpose is also triggered when de-registering such stake credentials.

    The Int is a 0-based index of the given Certificate in certificates.

  • Voting(Voter)

    Voting for a type of voter using a governance action id to vote yes / no / abstain inside a transaction.

    The voter is who is doing the governance action.

  • Proposing { at: Index, proposal_procedure: ProposalProcedure }

    Used to propose a governance action.

    A 0-based index of the given ProposalProcedure in proposal_procedures.

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